Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cingular Provides Brooke With New Services in a Competitive Marketplace

Leading Insurance Industry Franchisor Rolls Out Wireless Voice and Data Services To Enhance Agent Productivity and Customer Service

ATLANTA /PRNewswire/ - Brooke Franchise Corporation has selected Cingular Wireless to make voice and data services available to its network of more than 700 franchise locations in a highly competitive insurance industry. The two-year national contract gives franchisees access to a variety of devices and services, including those based on Cingular's UMTS/HSDPA technology.

In addition to voice-only handsets, Cingular will provide Brooke Franchise Corporation and its franchisees with access to a portfolio of integrated voice/data devices, including the EDGE-based Cingular 8125 Pocket PC, Cingular 2125 Smartphone and HP iPAQ 6500 Pocket PC, and Cingular LaptopConnect cards enabled for Cingular's 3G-based BroadbandConnect service.

According to Shawn Lowry, president of Brooke Franchise Corporation, Cingular's wireless voice services will help Brooke agents avoid missing important phone calls by forwarding calls from their office phone to their mobile device. Brooke agents will use Cingular's UMTS/HSDPA- and EDGE-based wireless data services to manage their e-mail while mobile and access the company's BMS agency management system and other Web-based programs to do on- site rate quoting and other tasks.

"Brooke agents need to be confident they can effectively conduct business regardless of where they are," said Lowry. "Whether it's accessing voice mail while out of the office or providing quotes at a client location, the insurance business is predicated on sending and receiving information quickly and accurately. Cingular's voice and data services will effectively allow Brooke agents to 'beat the streets' and still conduct business while on-the- go, which we feel will be a huge asset to help them achieve their full sales potential."

"Brooke Franchise Corporation is a prime example of a technologically savvy company that is putting wireless to work to build a competitive advantage in the marketplace," said Tom Erdman, vice president of Cingular Wireless' corporate markets group. "Cingular's world-class wireless and data services will provide Brooke franchisees with the tools they need to be even more productive when away from the office and provide an enhanced level of customer service."

Cingular's supercharged, UMTS/HSDPA-based Cingular BroadbandConnect service is currently available currently in 145 major metropolitan areas including 65 of the top 100 largest cities in 33 states, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC. This wireless broadband network offers average download speeds between 400-700 kilobits per second (kbps), with bursts to more than one megabit per second (mbps). Outside of Cingular's 3G coverage area, users seamlessly connect with Cingular's nationwide* EDGE wireless data network, the largest national high-speed wireless data network in the U.S. with availability in more than 13,000 cities and towns and along some 40,000 miles of major highways, provides average download speeds of up to 135kbps. UMTS/ HSDPA is a global standard and natural 3G evolutionary path for GSM providers with 142 UMTS networks in 61 countries and 72 HSDPA networks currently available.

Cingular Wireless provides services to 95 of the Fortune 100 companies, and counts more than 80 percent of the Fortune 500 and some 1,800 federal, state and local government agencies as customers.

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